Centaur HTP





Centaur page 1




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This page consists of different pictures of Centaur fence in a few different styles mixed together.

Trees are no problem Centaur can be used with any type of wire fence to make it better. The only problem you will ever have with this fence is the post rotting out in about 20 years.
Simple Centaur and polysafe Here is a close up example of Centaur with 4 stands of Polysafe and Polycharge
Far shot of Centaur and polysafe A picture of Centaur with 4 stands of Polysafe and Polycharge. Alot of people will put this fence in the back of the farm where it is not so visible. That still gives you the safety of Centaur but at a cheaper price.
2 types for comparison This a great picture that shows the visiabilty diffences of having the Centaur rail on top, as opposed to having just a strand of Polysafe by itself. That field is the only one that have on that farm. They like having the larger Centaur on top so the horses can more easily see the fence.
fence 1 car 0 This is what happens when a car tries to make a shortcut through the field.
still car 0 Another shot of the same wreck. Notice how the Centaur holds up the broken post.
Can't get any simpler As you can see this is the most minimal fence you can get. The Centaur is barely in the picture on the right next to the tree but it can be seen 10 times better.
KISS fence at its best A close up of a Polysafe fence post. Pretty simple.
Who wants this? We built it and still it looks bad. This is some old style tensioners, Bob Brady at Kentuckiana farms hates the fact we built all his fence with all the old style tensioners. Then a few months later came up with the new style tensioners.